About Fa Léon

I am an emergent artist, I am a free spirit searching the order in the chaos, searching the light into the dark always in the spiritual mystic way. I live in pure imagination and fantasy. Art is one of my love, I do paint from when I was young always need to express my self in this way, the best way for me to put my emotions, real emotions that I live so deeply. I am not interested in painting what I see, I follow what I feel, my emotions and a complex philosophy of life and universe. If I don’t have nothing to say better if I don’t paint. The best process when I am painting, is when I have something to say. I have so many things to say, sometimes actually very often i keep inside me. The best thing for me is to take off all on me on the white canva, is a process that always I don’t know where will take me, I follow my spirit inside the infinity possibility of the colours and the materia to go in that feeling, emotion and thought. Is difficult to explain my process of making art, nothing is left to chance, I always follow the line of the life that I breath. I had different periods of my paintings, my art as I want to do art in my life start with paintings just in gold , “The War” is the first painting of Gold that I did with different techniques and a bit Materic too , than after years I get inside a dark time, my paintings where so dark and also Materic I was searching the revelation I had on the sand that day when I was on the sand and for the first time of my life I felt complete with everything and the universe. “The Raven” all black and Materic is that Revelation, is one of my favorite for me even if total black with some of white. I love also to draw portraits I am obsessed with eyes, and I want soon to start on figurative but in the abstract way as I am. My story you can find in my art, inside my art that’s me. The most difficult thing really is to talk about ourselves. I am not good in that better for me express my self with painting. “Fa Léon” is an art name that I gave to my self that express totally my real me, I have to feel free as a free spirit I can't stay trapped in a name i didn’t choose. My art if is constantly in movement nothing is fixed as life i supposed. I am an art lover i can’t see life without art, art in all its form a is the best expression of our lifes in this world dotted with the infinite universe.

“The War” & “The Raven”